Kulaksız Mosque

Bergama / İzmir

Kulaksız Mosque

Smooth cut stone, rough cut stone and brick were used as building materials. The entrance door to the harim has a low arch and there is a building inscription on it. The harim is covered with a flat wooden ceiling. While the window openings are vertical rectangular, they have inner, round arches. The mihrab niche is painted with oil paint and has a round arch. The mihrab is made of plaster and crowned with a Baroque ornament. The minbar is made of wood and is very plain. The original narthex is probably to the west of the building. There is a spolia column with a Corinthian capital on the western façade of the mosque. It was built in a classical Ottoman bath plan. In front of the mosque, there were two madrasas, called the inner circle, behind which the outer apartment, which was destroyed later, did not exist today.

The history

Built in 1803, the mosque is an Ottoman-era structure.


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