Koyun Bridge

Bergama / İzmir

Koyun Bridge

This bridge, which is 5 km away from İzmir province Bergama district, is on a branch of Bakırçay. According to what is learned from the inscription, it got to built by the son of Felakiddin in 785 Hijri (1384). The name of the bridge, which was previously Pasha Bridge or Boyun Bridge, was changed to Koyun Bridge in later periods. The bridge, made of cut stone, is two-eyed, 4.80 m wide. Arch spans are 8.20 and 12 m. The railings of the bridge were placed here later. Since the bridge is very narrow, wide waiting areas are built at the bridgeheads for the passengers to wait while the vehicles are passing.

The history

The bridge was built during the reign of Sultan Murat I, and according to the Foundation Records, Berat and Ilams, Sultan Murat I gave Hatip Mahmut Efendi a fief with the rank of pasha. Paşaoğlu's mansion was also located on the hill next to this bridge. It is understood from these documents that the bridge was built by Hatip Mustafa Pasha's son, Mahmut, whose name cannot be read in the inscription.


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